Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8 Utilities to Help Keep PC Software Updated

To keep our PC secure, we install Antivirus software and other spyware terminators. But installing the latest software updates is also essential from Security point of view. Not only will it improve its functionality but it also gets rid of any bugs that may have been present in the older version. Such bugs can sometimes make the system vulnerable to hackers so it is essential to keep your software updated. On an average, a user has around 20 + software installed on the computer. Manually checking for updates can take a lot of time. Here is a list of utilities that can help you in such condition.
1) UpdateStar
UpdateStar is a freeware which can scan your system for installed software and will produce a list along with available updates along with the download link and additional information. You can also configure it to check for Software daily, weekly or monthly. It has a huge database which supports a lot of software. A premium version is available which adds support for more software.
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2) FileHippo.com Update Checker
The update Checker will scan your Computer for installed software, will check its version and will send the information to FileHippo.com to check if there is any update available. The whole process is quite fast and takes only a few seconds.
3) Update Notifier
Update Notifier is a small utility which will scan your Computer for installed software and will display a list of updates.You can also monitor a few software using the Watch list.
4) Secunia PSI
Secunia Personal Software Inspector can automate the task of searching for updates. It will quietly run in the background and will display a list of critical updates along with the download links. It can recognize a lot of products as it also gathers information from online sources. You can also schedule it to check for timely updates.
5) SUMo – Software Update Monitor
SUMo is another free program that will scan your Computer and will display what updates are available for your favourite software. It mainly relies on social networking. If many SUMo users have a new version of software that you use, the new version will be proposed to you.
6) AppSnap
AppSnap is an application that simplifies the installation of software on your Computer. It automatically finds the latest version, downloads the installer and installs the software in one step.
7) AppFresh
AppFresh helps you keep all your applications, widgets, preferences pane and plugins installaed on your Mac up to date. It is Mac only.
8 ) Ketarin
Ketarin is a small application that can be used to keep Software Packages up to date. Unlike other utlities, it does not keep the system up to date, it maintains a compilation of the important setup packages which can then be burned or copied to a Disk.

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